Getting your child ready for kindergarten
Families with children entering kindergarten next school year should already be thinking about getting their child ready for their first day of school. In fact, many schools hold their kindergarten registration events beginning early in the year. First Things First (FTF), Arizona’s early childhood agency, funds early learning, family support and children’s healthy development to help kids be successful once they enter kindergarten. Early learning sets the foundation for later academic learning, and parents are a child’s first teacher. FTF Early Learning Program Specialist Cami Foulks said there are many things that parents can do at home to prepare their child for kindergarten. “Families can begin to make home-to-school connections,” Foulks said. “You want to do things with your child that will create a memory connection for them.” For example, it is never too early to start reading to them for at least 15 minutes a day. “They’ll be singing and reading lots of books, coloring, painting, playing outside,” Foulks said. “You can make those connections at home. Preparation is key.” FTF has resources to help parents and caregivers on its website, just click on the Parents Resources button for kindergarten readiness. Below are additional tips from FTF to help ease your preschooler’s transition to kindergarten: Reading: This can be done by having short reading sessions throughout the day to add up…